I didn't know what to start with.....so just thought of scribbling something I know.
And then I felt that if I know anything closer, it's nothing but me......
Hmmmm........where do I start??? Iam just a normal, simple guy with a lots of dreams, interests, passions
and always trying for that extra thing.......confused?? I too am confused at being simple and still having a
lot of all these......At times I think of the most spiritual things....and just an instance later...it'll be all about what's happening right before you....At times dreaming of becoming a star....and at the same time becoming a saint....
I always thought this is very special and Iam that.
But now realize that everyone is special, and there are many like me, just everything at a time.......Thinking much and then confused about what they're thinking.......That's something which made me to start blogging so that I can share something with people who're also like me.......
Still, there're somethings which everyone is special about........One thing I can assure you is, I can listen to whatever people say, whether I like it or not.....following is a different thing ofcourse........
But, you'll never get a 'no' right away for any idea you bring.......whether it's something of your own....or something you want to share.....And you can always get a sincere appreciation for whatever I liked in it. And maybe even a true smile from me........
Ooh....too many good things.....??? I too have a lot of weaknesses....but I truly don't want to discuss....as I don't want to think much about them.......whenever Iam confronted by them....I just remember.....decide on making some changes, and leave it there and then.....And I truly like people who give advice on a sincere note rather than to criticize.....
It's been too much of intro I guess......It's just the first time right?? so maybe trying something not in a balance.......I always look at the life and the world around, as a wonderful and lovely thing....so definetly with my future posts you'll definetly be invited into my world and truly experience the wonder and charm in it.........
Cheers as of now.....and love to see you all happy and enjoying every moment of your wonderful life....
Keep smiling guys and girls............
Why should I worry when the entire CREATION is with me......
Iam ON TOP of the WORLD!!!!

Not bad at all, Prem!
Continue to blog.. Its not a great writing skill alone that you require, its great ideas.. fresh thoughts.. And you are full of that! So, keep going! :)
Hi Prem!
Thanks for visiting my site and for the very kind and encouraging words you've said. I appreciate it!
Your blog is great, your articles are written from the heart and that is what's most important. Keep it up and continue writing as often. My only suggestion is that you enlist in blog directories and do blog hopping so you can expose your blog to many readers. You can enlist at Blog Catalog, Entrecard, Link Referral, etc. There's so many blog directories you can join, I suggest you google it to see other listings. You can also enhance your sidebar by putting inspirational quotes, list of your favorite blogs, ads (if you want to monetize your blog), and graphics to make the page more lively. Express the creative side of you in making the lay-out attractive.
By the way, I love your photo here. .. could be best used as a profile picture.
All the best to you. God bless!
@ Mariz.....
Thank you for such an encouraging coment you've posted. And thanks too for the little tips you've given, to make it more interesting. I'll surely take them & hopefully make it better for people to read.
Regarding writing, I'll try my best to write as often as possible, and stick with it till it becomes a regular practice.
And the photo that I've put was sth I thought would express what Iam, well. But being so small, it wasn't so. Ya, you're idea was pretty good. I'll surely think about it and make changes.
Cheers for now.
Keep Smiling:-)
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