The last one month has been something of a roller coaster ride to say. Lots of surprises, some which we wanted, and some which were never expected. Like to put down a few of them. But on the whole it was a wonderful experience to have. And also am glad in some ways that it's all over.
The first surprise to start with, was to lose my wonderful N73 mobile. And that too just in a few minute's lapse. It's been so close to me, in terms of music, and always ready to give a wonderful snapshot whenever and whatever I wanted. And when I was consoling myself that I had all the collection of songs, and the lovely photos in my comp, it just got crashed a week ago. Lost all the beautiful pics. Frankly, it wasn't as bad as it sounds as I came in terms with it and carried on. But it's too discomforting when people around me keep asking about it, and show sympathy, Iam forced to put a bleak face, even though I was happy about some other things at that moment. Whatever, Iam glad it's all over. And I've a new simple and a slimmer mobile with me.
The next surprise is for sure was a wonderful experience. It's been a long time, I've been on stage. Though I was on stage for sports, or some literary things, they've been very few instances when I actually performed for some cultural thing. And after a long long time, I got an opportunity to sing on stage. The last time I sung for the prelims, the results were not even intimated, so couldn't know whether I got selected for the final event or not. Maybe I was not.
Now that I know before hand, I didn't wanted to miss this opportunity. I should say, Iam really happy that finally I came through my inhibitions to take part this time. As there were some really good & trained singers. A lot to learn from them. Some good quality to hear to, and they had a good experience of singing in big competitions outside too. Somehow I managed to get the last spot to sing for the finals, and that's to be conducted on stage during the celebrations.
It was definetly a huge occasion, with almost the entire campus out there. The singers have really displayed their true talents by singing some tough numbers, and that was really fabulous in terms of the competition. But not all the audience were enjoying the quality display as those were not so much for recreation. So, that came as a good chance for me to entertain them with a soothening song, more of melody and a lighter one. I've sung the one "Main Koi Aaisa Geet Gaon" from the film "Yess Boss". Though I thought that I didn't sing to the best of what I wanted as I was a bit tensed, and I didn't get the 'Male voice of the eve' prize as well, Iam very happy that most of the people listening, enjoyed it.
And now, if not everybody, all my friends knew that I can sing. And the next day everyone was appreciating me for the performance. And even one of my friend has taken a video of it. So nice of her. Then I realized that people did clap for me. Feels good. And I hope, the next time I give a solid performance as I think they'll definetly be some expectations. Hopefully.
By the way, I've also joined the guitar classes last week. It's always been my wish to learn guitar in a structured way. Now it's come true. Who knows, tomorrow I may give a scintillating performance singing with guitar. Anyway, that's a long way I think. Let's start dreaming, it too will come true I hope.
That's for now. Just trying things out, losing some, gaining some, but happy with both. My world is still
rocking. And hope everyone's is.