Friday, 16 May 2008

Why you made me like this............?

"I go through this everyday. Wait for the night, and the light in it. Where day is considered the good, life & happiness, my life dwells on the night. I too wait for the light, but which is artificial. To find the prey and feed my stomach. What else can I do....?? I don't have any other choice.....

I am considered as dirt. People wash-off if I fall on them. They think I am a bad omen. Children get scared when they look at me. They consider I am cruel when I try to find my prey and get it. And inhuman when we fight among ourselves for the only meal left for that night. Yes, it is inhuman to say. But, maybe those little minds don't understand that it's all for my survival I do this.

Even I never like eating up a lovely butterfly which spreads joy & happiness all around with it's colourful wings. It cries and begs me to leave, when I hold it with my teeth, and crush it's head between my jaws. Only I can hear that cry, and feel the pain along with it.
God....why did you made me so cruel that no one, not even these innocent minds like me, and even dread me......And you didn't even gave me any other choice to make my living without killing others. Oh.....maybe you made humans for that, gave them mind so that they can think....and live without killing.

Teach these children to grow as human, and be human. As these beautiful minds don't hear the cry and know the pain like me when they're having, and they get used to it so much that, by the time they know, it is too late to change......"

Maybe these lizards too have heart & think like this............
& Maybe this is what happened with us too when we were children.............???